Rev Dr Nancy Smith, Akashic Medium, author, and spiritual mentor, is a gifted spiritual medium and spirit artist who helps people connect to loved ones who have transitioned to “the other side” as well as spirit guides and other energies who have a message for them. Nancy sees her job as a spiritual medium is not only to help people to connect with their loved ones, but also support them to follow their own spiritual journey.  Nancy is a spiritualist minister out of The Journey Within (Spiritualists' National Union Church). Nancy lectures, teaches, and demonstrates mediumship at Spiritualist churches throughout New England. Nancy was awarded honorary doctorate in humanitarianism for her spiritual work and community service from the GIA Institute out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Nancy is an author and illustrator of Divine Love Affair an Akashic Journey, A Nautilus award winner and Make a Magic Wish, an illustrated, award winning children’s book. Nancy has developed and teaches a program call The Akashic Journey to Soul Mastery. Nancy has a podcast called “Angelscapes”, available on all podcast outlets as well as youtube.

Rev. Jason McCush: is the Pastor of the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism in Massachusetts. For the past twenty years, Jason has been cultivating his craft as a Spiritualist, inside and outside of the church. Jason has a genuine love for Spiritualism and teaching, in general. In addition to his role as pastor, Jason is a nationally award-winning high school teacher, a football coach, and a mentor to many young men and women from his hometown. 

Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong is a Medium and Mystic, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor and Healer, Teacher and Lecturer in “all things Spiritually Metaphysical.”  He is a Certified Medium, Healer and Teacher at the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Cassadaga, Florida. He has been attuned to Crystals and Metaphysics since early childhood, and had a near-death experience at the age of 12. This experience has brought him into the arms of Spirit in the Angelic Realm, and has guided his path. He sees the world through different eyes. He works with the Ascended Masters and the I AM Presence for divine communication and inspiration. He has a strong tie to the mineral kingdom with his passion for crystals and rocks, and a strong connection and knowledge of Native American and indigenous peoples.

Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong is an Ordained Minister at the International Association of Metaphysics (I.A.M.) and a Certified Spiritual Counselor (Medium), Spiritual Healing Practitioner and Teacher through I.A.M.  He is also Ordained through the Lively Stones World Healing Fellowship and has been bestowed a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Lively Stones Fellowship. Philip is a member of the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, Cassadaga, Florida where he is a Certified Medium, Healer, and Teacher in Cassadaga. He is a member of Temple Heights Spiritual Camp, NSAC, in Northport, Maine.

August 15-21  Dr. Louis Gates

Gurdeep Bhogal: Certified Medium, Trance Medium, Mediumship Development Teacher, Shakti Embodiment Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher. Born in Kenya, raised in England and of Indian heritage, Gurdeep now lives and works in Massachusetts. Born into a Sikh family with the tenet of service at the center of life, Gurdeep was influenced by the Eastern philosophy and Religions from her Indian ancestry. Fascinated by the eternal questions about the true nature of existence, Gurdeep embarked on a seeking path of deep enquiry into Energy Medicine, Mediumship, the afterlife, Yoga and Meditation. Gurdeep has spent many years unfolding profound Spiritual gifts such as: Psychic Mediumship, Trance Mediumship & Healing, Reiki and Yoga.  Gurdeep has a deep knowledge of the mystical aspects of Yoga including Mantra and subtle body practices. Gurdeep’s relationship with Shakti (The Goddess vibration of Spirit) permeates all of her work.

Sandy has been involved in Spiritualism since 2004 and is a Minister of Spiritualism. Over that time, he has undertaken training with some of the UK’s foremost mediums including Eileen Davies, Glyn Edwards and Gordon Smith. Sandy holds a Certificate in Intuitive Studies from Gordon Smiths College of Intuitive Studies as well as undertaking Gordon’s Mediumship Mentorship. He has also undertaken studies in Trance Healing with Steven Levett, one the UK’s leading Trance Healing Tutors.  Sandy founded his own Spiritual and Wellbeing Centre, and through this he teaches a range of metaphysical subjects. He has worked and both a medium and tutor in Scotland, England, Ireland, USA and Australia. Sandy also holds certificates in Angelic Reiki, Angel Therapy, Soul Reading & Soul Transformation Therapy.

Christina began her spiritual explorations when she received a tarot card reading for a birthday gift at the age of 22.  That reading launched Christina on a quest to explore and honor her own intuitive gifts and abilities.   She began exploring the metaphysics and read just about anything she could get her hands on.  After several years of attempting to understand the spiritual dimension and hone in on her spiritual gifts, Christina learned about Edgar Cayce and The Akashic Records.  Something about Cayce and his magnificent work seemed very familiar and rang true to Christina.  So, when in 1998 Christina received an invitation to learn how to read the Akashic Records from Linda Howe, the woman that had given her such a remarkable reading at age 22, she knew she had to respond.  Linda, since that reading, had become a certified teacher of the Sacred Prayer Method™ of accessing the Akashic Records.  Christina answered the call and attended the “Akashic Records Beginning Class” workshop and experienced a sense of acceptance and appreciation for herself and others unlike anything she had ever encountered. Christina “got it” that if everyone on this planet would take time to experience their own magnificence we would truly live in a peaceful world.  There would be no competition or need to be better than or less than, that all of humanity could and would live in harmony and appreciation of the fact that each and every one of us is a unique and perfect expression of the Divine.  This incredible experience resonated deep into her being and transformed the course of her life.

Christina knew that she had to share this message and experience with others. So, after thirteen years in the childcare field (work which she loved deeply), she pursued her newly illuminated life-purpose and began reading the Records on a full-time basis.   Christina continued her education by taking advanced classes with many inspiring and powerful teachers including Mary Parker, Ellena Lieberman, and Linda Howe.  In 1999 Christina began assisting her teacher, Linda Howe, in Akashic Records courses and then moved on to become the Assistant Director of the Linda Howe Center for Energy Integrity, School of Akashic Studies (later to be renamed The Center for Akashic Studies) a position she held until 2006.   During that time Christina’s desire to teach was born and in 2003 she became a Certified Teacher (and later Advanced Certified Teacher) of the Pathway Prayer Process© offering certification courses through early 2017.To date, Christina remains in awe of the loving energy and information that effortlessly pours forth from the Akashic Records and enjoys continued opportunities to share that experience with others via workshops, consultations, and mentoring sessions.  Throughout the years, Christina has worked with thousands of students and clients from around the world and cannot imagine life without this wonderful spiritual resource. 

July 4-10 - Jason McCuish

August 11-28  Rev. Dr. Philip DeLong

​​Paying for Programs and Registration

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Places are not reserved until full payment has been received.

Dr. Gates is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Teacher, living and working in Cassadaga Florida with a Doctoral out of the University of Metaphysics. His mother's side of the family were mediums and psychics going back some five generations. He knew at the age of three years old that he could see spirit.  He has been gifted by God with objective clairvoyance that lets him see spirit as though they are in the room with him. He has walked the path of Spiritualism all of his life. The most amazing aspect of being a medium for him was losing the fear of death completely, a truth that he hopes to share with as many people as he can. There is no death, there is no end, only eternal progress open to every human soul......Your loved ones wait to greet you and they send Love to you. He has been a Spiritual Medium for a number of years in Cassadaga, Florida and find it to be a place to touch in with the God that dwells within all of us. He has been able to reunite people with their loved ones and to help them find a spiritual path within. He has helped find people, pets and things that have been lost, and to help the ones that are looking. He has found that his path in this lifetime is to help reunite loved ones from the spirit world to loved ones here. He is also here to help heal and to help guide people on their path to a happier life and to spiritual awareness in this world.

August 8-14  Christina Cross

Camp Etna has a full list of presenters for this summer!
The full program can be seen in the calendar on the program page. This page provides the bios for the presenters.

July 11-17  Gurdeep Bhogal

July 18-24  Sandy Campbell

August 1-7  Nancy Smith

Presenters Biographies

July 25-31 - Grace Harrington Murdoch

Grace Harrington Murdoch has been performing what she likes to call Narrative Astrology readings for the last 8 years and studying Astrology for the last 12 years.  She is also extensively trained in Polarity therapy & Reiki and more, clocking over 600 hours in these modalities. She is an avid teacher of all things metaphysical that she has studied.  As a former English major and author, she believes the power of chart interpretation lies in your ability to communicate the story a birth chart is telling. This comes through being able to understand the themes, plot, the past, present and future within the chart. Grace has taught many Astrology classes all over New England, and it is her passion to share her favorite resources with her students to help empower them to understand themselves, their clients, and the great big Universe!  Grace was also a ghost-writer for Pusheen's cat-themed horoscopes for a spell, which was such fun for her.  Grace is a natural healer & supports people through a multi-modal approach. Grace brings healing principles into readings as well as she believes we can all heal through our birth chart and understanding of it. You can visit her website for readings, healings and zodiac essences at: or for her Astrology and healing classes at .